Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Attempting to write in Nadsat. OUCH!

Hello, new droogs, old droogs and chellovecks I never saw with me own glazzies. Welcome the world of me and mine. If you don't know me, you should. And, if you should know me and don't the Bog sod ya! 

Me eemya is Ana. At least, that is what me droogs horn at me. My em, she don't call me nothing like that, but I ain't a lomtick worried about what me em calls to me, you know?

Anyways, I know who me droogs are. And me droogs know who I am. And if you count yourself on that list, then I can guess you is lucky enough to know the odin and only choodessny me.

This morning, I woke up on some strange couch in a domy that don’t belong to me nor none of me droogs, with me platties all torn and skirked and wasted like I had been out and about all the nochy. I don't right recall knowing where I was or who I was. But, I supposed I will hear about it in and about sooner or later, eh?

Meanwhile, I needs me a shower, so off I went with, like, my glazzies all swollen and sharp and my gulliver ittying round and round. When I tolchock the hot water, it caught me a hard one, right under the chin and I thinks to meself "Ah... self!"... (Because there ain't no point calling yourself Ana or Alex or Bob or Bog who whoever you are, you know. Inside your own gulliver, it ain’t nobody but you and the ole monster.)“Ah… self!” I think. 

“Self, last nochy-if indeed there was a last nochy and me mozg says oh, yes indeed they was-Last nochy was sure to be a dobby raz full of ultra-violence and frolicking about all chipper and full of moloko and fizz. I wish I could re-remember it for me own self, anyhow.”

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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States

That was then