Monday, January 11, 2010

About Writing and All That Jazz...

Since this blog is about writing, and writing in a blog, I believe it is safe to assume that I will actually be blogging rather than hotlinking here.

Not that I do that much, anyway. Heh. 

I already know that I am good at writing narratives. Five years of blogging a personal journal(s) ought to have paid off by now, right? I should be able to sit down and in one fell swoop tell a simple, well defined story with a beginning, a middle and an end. One would think that after all this time-and almost daily postings-I would have learned to write something compelling and articulate. Something dashing and interesting! *

My point is that although I have been working my so-called "novel" for about six years, I still cannot write a cohesive, full story unless it is a monologue about the "Greater Internet Jerk-wad Theory" is valid or what I am cooking for dinner or how I found a half-used, all-but-dead house plant sitting on my doorstep every few days for about a month.* * Maybe it was some strange fertility rite? I never stopped to check and see if it followed a Lunar cycle.

Okay. Down to bidness.

I have roughly fourteen weeks to post ten entries. Go ahead and laugh it up, ya’ll. We all know that I will be posting more than that.

I think I am going to use those ten (plus or minus 40) posts to talk about my writings or lack thereof.

Don’t worry. You know I will get OT in about two clicks. Come next week, it will be a post about how may husband is outside grilling pork chops despite the blizzard like snow conditions. Or maybe something about the cat. Or kids. God only knows that I post about *that* a lot.

Well. Whatever.

Enough for now.


*Well... I learned to type faster, at least. I should be able use that when I finally graduate with this really awesome Studio Arts degree so I can be manager at some fast food joint! I am sure there is some artistic merit, there.

**I swear to you that this is a true and faithful representation of what happened. For some reason, an unknown person left various zombie'd vegetation for me to adopt. I still don't know who or why. It stopped just as suddenly as it started. At the time I lived in San Diego. So, really-it could have been just about anything. Aliens is a sure bet.

1 comment:

Khat said...

Well hey, how much do I like this design, hmmm? You know you can always bounce things off of me - my creative side is going to rot this semester since it's all biology/math/programming classes. You know that you always inspire me for ideas, now hopefully it's my turn.

We'll start a status war on Facebook- I'll post a status that may be a good subject to write about and you mold it with your unique talent.

Or something.


About Me

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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States

That was then